About Us

The Consolata Missionaries are a Catholic community of about 900 brothers and priests from four different continents. They dedicate their life for the proclamation of the Good News as commanded in the Gospels: “Go into the world and preach the Gospel to the whole Creation.”

The Consolata Missionaries are consecrated: they are dedicated to the mission in a total way, without any additional commitments, besides the mission. They free themselves from any other relationships. They take three vows: poverty, chastity and obedience, under the influence of the evangelical beatitudes. For them this is not a temporary commitment, but for life.

The Consolata Missionaries are projected beyond the borders of their parish, diocese and country of origin. Their focus is towards the entire world, towards all peoples. They witness to the universality of the Church and of Christianity. This “going beyond” is expressed always, in whichever place the missionary finds himself or herself, because there is need to overcome not only the territorial boundaries but also the racial, cultural, sociological and religious ones, in the sense that we have to turn our attention also towards those who are already living close to us but are far from Christ and the Church.

The Consolata Missionaries have been inspired by Mary the mother of Jesus. Just as Mary, whom they venerate with a title of Consolata, they too want to bring to the world the real consolation, that is Jesus and his Gospel. As a way of carrying out their mission, they keep company to the marginalized and abandoned people, they comfort the suffering and the afflicted, they cure the sick, they perform human promotion at different levels, they defend human right through advocacy and promotion of justice and peace.

Our Characteristics:

  • “Saints first and then missionaries” (Blessed J. Allamano)
  • Devotion to the Virgin Mary
  • Love for Jesus in the Eucharist
  • A life in community and communion
  • Loyalty to the Holy Father
  • Diligent celebration of the Sacred Liturgy
  • Love of work, including manual work

Our Mission:

As Consolata Missionaries, we make our own the words that started up the Mission of Jesus of Nazareth as missionary of the Father: “The Spirit of the Lord has sent me to bring the good news to the poor, to proclaim liberty to captives and to the blind new sight, to set the downtrodden free, to proclaim the Lord’s year of favor.” Luke 4: 18-19

So very much like Jesus we strive to bring about the Kingdom of God by means of trying to incarnate His Word first in ourselves and after in every human situation we come in contact with. Wherever we are as Consolata Missionaries we bring the Consolation of God in so many various ways.

Our main activities are the following:

  • Announcing the Good News to peoples that have not yet been evangelized, mainly the most needy and the most neglected.
  • Temporary cooperation with the local Churches that have been already evangelized, but have not yet become self-sufficient in ministries, and whose Christian communities are not yet fully developed.
    Mission Awareness and Vocation Promotion.
  • Formation of missionaries.
  • Activities which are vital to the life and the growth of our Congregation.