Join us to resist COVID-19 on the other side of the world!

In these months the world has been upset by the spreading of the Corona virus. Covid-19 has entered our lives without knocking at the door!

The US Government, at different levels, is doing what it can to try to contain the pandemic, as well as to give aid to those whose income has been most badly hit in this emergency. However the task is enormous, almost overwhelming. Not even trillions of dollars seem enough to tackle the issue and to stem the damage caused to the economy, just in the USA.

From its beginning, the areas where Covid-19 has struck the most have been within China, Europe and the United States. Yet, this virus does not seem to know borders. It has also ravaged Brazil, and there is no assurance that it will not propagate with virulence in other regions of the earth where our missions are located. But, their situations are different. Health services are not as spread out all over the country as they are in the Western world. Moreover, often, town people live in closer proximity than in our urban centers, and surely their governments do not have the financial means that ours have to counter the disease.

Still our missionaries are not disheartened. At the end of April, two from Ivory Coast and one from the Democratic Republic of Congo sent a request for us to help them adopt some preventive measures for their people. We decided to give a hand and told them that they could count on receiving $10,000 from us, in order for them to purchase: soap, family water tanks, face masks and disposable gloves, according to their needs and what they would find available in the area they operate. Their main focus is to instruct people about the benefit of keeping water in their house for washing their hands frequently, as well as of having masks and gloves to wear at the market.

Because of the urgency of the situation, we have already begun supporting this activity from the beginning of May and we trust that, out of your generosity, you will back us up in our endeavor to save lives.

On behalf of all the people who will benefit from your help, we wholeheartedly thank you in advance for your most generous support.

Please consider donating to this life saving activity.